people just like you in the form of grants and low cost loans from the United States government, state governments, and private foundations. There are thousands and thousands of grants out there, and thousands and thousands of people every year receive this money.
What is the difference between those people and you? What do they know that you don’t? Absolutely nothing! Mostly EVERYONE has a skill or a trade that could capitalize on these grants. You could be an engineer, a farmer, or a business owner. There are grants available for you. You may be a woman or a minority. There are MANY grants available to you.
The beauty of grants: It is money that you do NOT have to pay back ever. You may have noticed that there is not a grant that calls itself “free money” or an agency named Grants ‘R Us. If only it were as cut and dried as that. But grants are real and real people get them every day. Why did the guy across the street from you receive a grant and you did not? Merely because he spent the time to research and apply. Simple